Queen Celtic Pictish Spiral Tattoo Design

Single, double, and triple spirals in a profusion of Pictish and Celtic swirls. Making a tapestry of living motion.

Saxon Sutton Hoo Belt Buckle Tattoo Design

The 7th c. Saxon ship-burial at Sutton Hoo, in Suffolk, is one of the most magnificent archaeological finds in England. It dates to a period that is on the margin between myth, legend, and historical documentation. This intricate magnificent buckle is part of the horde that was uncovered in 1939.

12th Century Dragon Tattoo Design

A charming dragon found illuminating a choir book produced in the Netherlands in the late 12th century. In the medieval times dragons were not a fanciful thought, they were considered real and were represented in cautionary tales.

Surf Babe Tattoo with Celtic Wave Design

Designed to grace the arm of a beautiful surf babe, these interlocked Celtic triskel and spirals embody the swirling power of the sea, and the elegance of those who skim across its curling edge like tattooed flying fish.